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What Types of Sinkers Can You Get in Your Bubble Teas?

· milk tea singapore,order bubble tea,bubble milk tea


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For the past few years, bubble tea has taken the world by storm and it shows no signs of slowing down. People from different countries have come together to share a love for the sweet drink. Choosing inty teas, fruit teas, and bubble milk tea in Singapore are some of the biggest reasons why we love these teas. It’s the sheer variety that we can get them in.

Do you know what else about bubble teas gives it its signature range? The fact that you can put so many sinkers in it. Sinkers are an almost essential staple of most bubble teas unless you prefer plain fruit tea in Singapore

Aside from pearls, though, what else can you put inside your teas? Here are a few types of sinkers that people use in their teas.

     1. Coconut jelly. 

Coconut jelly is slightly chewier than pearls and has an interesting milky flavour that sits on your tongue. It’s a crowd favourite and is found in many types of teas!

     2. Chocolate pudding. 

Want to enhance your bubble tea with a cocoa twist? Chocolate pudding is used mainly in milk tea in Singapore. It can give your milk tea a smooth and silky texture with a delicious chocolate flavour.

    3. Red bean. 

Red bean is one of the most popular sinkers of milk tea you can get, aside from pearl! You’ll mostly find it layered on top of milk tea. 

    4. Grass jelly. 

For a more interesting roasted flavour, grass jelly is the one for you. It goes great with milky or coffee-based teas.

Looking to order delicious bubble tea online in Singapore? Head over to Partea in Singapore to see a range of delicious drinks to get your sweet fix from! Order now!


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